Senin, 31 Desember 2012

[My Life Diary] Happy New Year 2013!!!!!!!

Hello everyone!!!!! Nice to see you again~ long time no see you all!!! Finally i have time to post something here. Eventough it isn’t too many and not too important hahahah. Well, i just wanna say HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013!!!!!!! I’m sorry that i made some mistakes, didn’t update my previous fanfiction and didn’t give you any new posting~ I didn’t have enough time to write because of my homeworks were so many like Butiran Debu (?). Also, i want to say thank you soooo much to my blog visitors. LOVE YOU ALL!! Wait for my next posting especially about my korean restaurant in Surabaya’s journey. Okaaaay?? Stay tune ;)
I hope that our dreams will come true in 2013 and it will be a good year for us. Keep smile, keep fighting, keep happy, keep KPOP, keep support Super Junior, BEAST, and my lovely Rookies EXO BAP and BTOB. Wait for your next stage guuuyysss!!!
Oh yeah! Pray for my final exam and score T____T. I hope i can get a good score. HWAITING!!!!!! See you next time everyone. I think i will post something during my holiday, so just wait for it. okay??? Annyeoooong~

Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2012

[My Life Diary] Ochitabluemings Edisi Lebaran

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Allaahu akbar.. Allaahu akbar.. Allaahu akbar.....
Laa - ilaaha - illallaahu wallaahu akbar.
Allaahu akbar walillaahil - hamd

Tak terasa kita sudah menjalani ibadah puasa selama satu bulan lamanya. Kita sudah melewati bulan yang pernuh rahmat dan nikmat dari-Nya. Kini kemenangan sudah di depan mata. Maka dari itu, saya, Ochi pemilik ochitabluemings bersama para bias Lee Sungmin, Lee Gikwang, Kim Jongin, Kim Jongdae, Lee Minhyuk, dan Jung Daehyun #eaa  serta keluar saya mengucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA IDUL FITRI 1433 H. Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin. Maafkan segala kesalahan dan kehilafan yang pernah saya lakukan baik sengaja maupun tidak. Maaf kan kalo saya sering spamming ga jelas, nulis FF yang agak gimana gitu ceritanya, maafkan tulisan saya yg tidak terlalu bagus di blog ini, sering telat update, jarang nulis, jarang ngasi kredit, bikin tersinggung dll dkk. Mohon di maafkan. Jeongmal mianhae~

Dan berhubung ini Hari Lebaran, berikut saya tampilkan project yang saya bikin untuk Lebaran. Maaf bagi mungkin dari anda-anda sekalian merasa tersinggung atau tidak terima. Ini hanya untuk hiburan saja (i'm really sorry that it will be so bad for you and you don't like it. It's just for fun. not too serious). So Enjoy it :D

Jumat, 17 Agustus 2012


Tujuh belas Agustus tahun ’45, itulah hari kemerdekaan kita~
Yap! Hari ini tepat tanggal 17 Agustus 2012, negara tercinta kita Indonesia berusia 67 tahun. DIRGAHAYU REPUBLIK INDONESIA. Saengil Chukkahamnida Indonesia. Semoga di usia ke 67 tahun ini Indonesia semakin sukses di semua bidang, menjadi negara yang maju, bebas dari korupsi, rakyatnya makmur sejahtera aman dan damai, pemimpinnya bertanggungjawab, adil, negara yang tindak kejahatannya menurun, tidak ada lagi kemiskinan yang melanda, menjadi negara yang mempunyai generasi calon pemimpin bangsa yang bagus dan cinta tanah air, serta semoga impian semua orang, penduduk, dan warga Indonesia bisa tercapai. Amin. Hidup Indonesia!



Credit :here

Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012

[Today Song] Can't It Be Me?

Can't It Be Me -  Tim - OST 49 Days

When you cry because of sadness,
The one who could cry together with you
Even when everyone in the world turns their back on you
The first person who hold your hand

Whenever you call, will rash into you
Why don’t you know that person is me

Can’t I be the one? Really can’t I be the one?
Everyday, I would make you smile
The one who will watch over you until the end
Can’t I be the one?
When you stumble because of pain
The one who hold you from being hurt
The one who embraces your scars
The one who only looking at you

The person who would happy even lose everything for you
Why don’t you know that person is me

Can’t I be the one? Really can’t I be the one?
Everyday, I would make you smile
The one who will watch over you until the end
Can’t I be the one?
You are the one I want
You are the one I really want to reach
The reason I was able to go through the hard times
Because you were with me, because I could love you

Can I wait for you? Can I see you?
Until the day you come to me
Like the tears of my last moment, you are the only one I remember
Can’t you be my love?
Can’t you stay with me?

Lyrics Romanization : aikawaringo
English Translation :

[My Life Diary] My Favourite Rookie Groups Part 2 COMPLETE!

Annyeong~ ketemu lagi nih. Heheheh ini ceritanya postingan attack sebelum kuliah :p. Oke mari kita lanjutkan postingan sebelumnya tentang Rookie Group favoritku. Kalo di postingan sebelumnya aku bahas tentang dua rookie grup yaitu B.A.P dan EXO, sekarang kita bahas tiga rookie grup favoritku berikutnya yaitu BTOB, NU’EST dan C-Clown. Sekali lagi, ini tangan masi belum kebiasa ngetik banyak, so mianhae kalo typo ada di mana-mana. Chek this out!

Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012

[My Life Diary] My Favourite Rookie Groups Part 1

Annyeong chingudeul, long time no see you all ^0^ ga kerasa ya bentar lagi bulan puasa uda habis, dan kita pun mencapai hari kemenangan. Itu semua berarti bahwa it’s time togo back to KULIAH!! OMG, time passes so fast ~___~. Liburan yang sebenernya lama jadi terasa cepet *sigh* Kerjaanku selama liburan? Do nothing. Selain melaksanakan ibadah di bulan puasa, kerjaanku adalah download, bukber bareng temen-temen, nonton video, baca FF, browsing FF, twitteran, mantengin TL kak Suho dan menemukan sesuatu unik didalamnya, ngecover (yes! Berhasil ngecover The Boys, frustasi ngecover History dan MAMA), sesekali masak. That’s all *sigh*. Dan saat membuka emailku, ga nyangka banget ada yg visit dan ngomen postinganku pas jaman tugas matakuliah KI, yang berjudul Resto Korea di Surabaya. Alhamdulillah tu postingan berguna bagi banyak orang dan berguna untuk sharing *sebar bunga*. So, sebelum masuk kuliah aku mau ngepost sesuatu di blog kesayanganku. Jujur, ini tangan uda lama ga aku pake buat ngetik banyak semenjak terakir bikin FF. Rasanya kaku, jadi mian kalo banyak typo *bow*. Well, tanpa banyak cing cong lagi mari mari kita masuk ke topik inti. Enjoy ^0^

Jumat, 20 Juli 2012

[Fan Fiction] "My Boy is My Kiwi" Chapter 2

Cast : Park Yeon Rin, Lee gi kwang, Lee Sungmin, Kyuhyun, Park Eun Sa, Shin Eun Yoo, Eunhyuk, Yoseob, Doojoon, Junhyung.

[My Life Diary] Marhaban ya Ramadhan

Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb~

Marhaban ya Ramadhan... Ramadhan is finally here... Saatnya kita berpuasa. Jadi sebelumnya saya mohon maaf lahir batin. Maafkan saya jika ada salah-salah kata, bikin FF yang agak gimana gitu ceritanya, maafkan kalo saya pernah tidak menyertakan kredit dan maafkan segala perbuatan saya. Hehehehe :3.

Dengan begini saya pemilik blog ini, OchitAJ beserta Lee Sungmin, Lee Gikwang, Kim Jongin, Kim Jongdae, Lee Minhyuk dan Daehyun (ini kenapa bias pada ikutan semua?) mengucapkan SELAMAT MENUNAIKAN IBADAH PUASA. Mari kita perbanyak ibadah dan beribadah semaksimal mungkin di bulan penuh rahmat ini. And remember, there will be no Fanfiction update during Ramadhan. So, just wait for the next chapter everyone~ *sobs*

Wah waah~ Xiumin juga mengucapkan selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa \(^o^)/

Berbukalah dengan yang manis dan bergizi~

Terus sholat Magrib. Lalu lanjutkan dengan makan makanan yang bergizi dan secukupnyaa, Jangan lupa berhentilah sebelum kenyang :D

 Setelah itu jangan lupa teraweh dan mengaji :3

Taklupa, perbanyak berbuat baik dan saling berbagi terhadap sesama >,<

Muahahahahaahah~ Annyeong chingudeul... See you on the next updates :D sekali lagi Selamat Berpuasa :D

Credit Photos : Facebook SMTOWN, fuckyeahsment-exo.tumblr, @ronzzykevin, google, and many other site.

Kamis, 19 Juli 2012

[Fan Fiction] "I'll Be There For You" Chapter 3 COMPLETE!

Okay, this is the last chapter. Sorry for the bad ending. Gaje. Typo dimana-mana. Check this out! Don't like Don't read. RnR please? hehehehe. Annyeong~

[Fan Fiction] "I'll Be There For You" Chapter 2

Akhirnya Chapter selanjutnya muncul juga. Sorry for the late updates >,<. Ga jadi twoshoots deh, aku buat jadi threeshoots. Hohohooho. So check this out. Sorry alur cerita gaje, typo dimana-mana. Mian mengecewakan. Don't like don't read. RnR please? Muahahahaha :p. Annyeong~

Rabu, 11 Juli 2012

[Fan Fiction] "I'll Be There For You" Chapter 1

Finally menghasilkan FF juga liburan ini. Mian belum bisa ngelanjutin yang "It's You, Just You" T^T. coming soon yaa~ FF ini atas permintaan pacarnya Tao, Depo. Mian kalo datar T^T *sobs*. Cerita ngaco ga masuk akal ~___~. Bakal ku buat twoshoots *semoga* So just wait for the next chapter. sebelum puasaan okeh? Happy reading readers. Don't like, don't read *preeeeet* hahahaha annyeong \(^o^)/

Senin, 09 Juli 2012

[My Life Diary] Selorejo, Daebak!!

Annyeonghaseo chingudeul~  long time no see you all. Kekekeke. Setelah sekian lama penantian, akhirnya bisa ngepost sesuatu juga disini. Hehehe maklum lagi liburan punya target ngeblog tapi ga jalan-jalan karna males dan mood lg ga bagus. Akhirnya baru sempet sekarang. Hahaha~ Kesibukan? Cuma KPOPan, nonton dorama, sama Nge-FF *parah* pengen jalan-jalan ga ada yang nemenin. Yaudah deh akhirnya ngeblog. Hahahaha. Kali ini aku mau ngajak kalian jalan-jalan bukan untuk ngicip resto Korea lagi, tapi ke salah satu tempat yang ga jauh dari Surabaya yaitu Selorejo.

Jumat, 29 Juni 2012

[My Life Diary] Kpopers Not Backpackers! (Day Three-END)

Annyeonghaseo chingudeul... Long time no see you all.. kekekeke :p It’s been a long time not to post something in my blog. Semester dua ini rempong banget tugasnya.. Bisa dibilang tiada hari tanpa tugas. Hyaaaah!~ and finally, aku bisa ngepost sesuatu d blog karena sekarang UDA LIBURAN \^o^/ (padahal masi galau nilai). Kalo yang lain pada liburan gatau kemana, atau pulang ke kampung halaman, sekarang adalah waktunya untukku melakukan hobi ku yang terhambat, ngeBlog (kalo fangrirling sih masih bisa). Hahahah XD. Kali ini aku mau lanjutin perjalanan ku waktu di Bandung bulan Februari lalu *expired woy* hahaha. Maap kalo rada2 lupa >< Check this out!

Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012

[Fan Fiction] "It's You, Just You" Extra Story COMPLETE!

Annyeonghaseyo chingudeul… I’m back. Hehehe. Because of my friend’s request,  I make this EXTRA STORY  for her. Hope you like it. Enjoy it everybody ^^

Minggu, 13 Mei 2012

[My Life Diary] I Get It! "There Will be No Spot Light if You Stop Now" Book

Pesan harapan yang disampaikan kepada para pemuda yang memimpikan berdiri di atas panggung.
Di dunia ini tidak ada pemenang yang abadi, juga tidak ada pecundang yang abadi.
Sudah lama mereka menangis sebagai pecundang, tetapi hingga air mata mereka mengering, mereka harus  mengeluarkan keringat lebih banyak.
Di usia muda dengan hati yang masih rapuh, mereka mencoba untuk menahan air mata mereka sepanjang waktu.
Lalu, apa yang telah kutinggalkan kepada mereka?
Di dunia ini, pemenang adalah orang yang menang, itukah kebenaran sejati?
Jadi, apakah hanya untuk menjadi seorang pemenang mulai hari ini mereka harus latihan hingga subuh dan terangnya hari?
Bukan hanya semata-mata untuk menjadi pemenang, tetapi untuk menaruh lebih banyak harapan dan lebih bersinar.
Permata-permata itu menjadi lebih bersinar dan lebih kuat lagi setiap harinya.
Kamu sudah mencapai batas frustasi dan kegagalan.

Jumat, 11 Mei 2012

[Fan Fiction] "Your Voice Can Really Reach My Heart" COMPLETE!

Kim Chae Rin. 18 tahun. Baru saja sebulan bersekolah di SM High School. Sebelumnya ia bersekolah di kota sebelah. Namun karena Chae Rin ini bisa dibilang cukup cerdas dan berprestasi, ia mendapat beasiswa di SM High School yang bisa dibilang sekolah cukup elit di Seoul dan memiliki murid-murid cerdas. Sedang orang tuanya harus tetap bekerja di kota lain. Chae Rin hidup sendiri di sebuah mansion sederhana. Bagaimana cerita Chaerin di SM High School dan bagaimana kisah cintanya? Mari disimak!

[My Life Diary] Kpopers Not Backpackers! (Day Two)

               Habis baca hari pertama, pasti penasaran sama perjalan kami di hari kedua kan? Yuk, kita simak apa saja kegiatan kami di hari kedua ini. Ada apa ya kira-kira?

[My Life Diary] Kpopers Not Backpackers! (Day One)

              Hallo semua... Annyeonghaseo~ Long time no see you all. Kekekeke... Sudah lama nih aku ga nge-post di blog ini karena sibuk mengisi blogku untuk tugas kuliah. Sebelumnya, selamat tahun baru ^^ *mian telat* dan di tahun 2012 ini postingan di blogku akan hadir dalam bahasa Indonesia juga ^^ (Alesan. Bilang aja males mikir. Hahahaha). Kali aku mau cerita tentang pengalamanku, dan dua orang temanku Devita dan Sovi saat kami berlibur ke Bandung. Sebenernya ini bukan pure liburan. Tujuan utama kami adalah untuk nonton Super Show 3 3D yang ditayangkan di Blitz Megaplex Paris Van Java Bandung. Mumpung tiketnya murah, Rp75.000 rupiah, jadi kami ambil dua kali nonton. Cukup panjang perjuangan kami untuk akhirnya bisa ke Bandung. Mulai dari galau tiket, galau penginapan, Tia tiba-tiba ga bisa ikut, Sovi tiba-tiba mau menyerah, galau tdmpat yang mau dikunjungi, galau driver dan mobil yang akan mengantar kita selama disana, serta galau biaya. Namun pada akhirnya satu persatu masalah dapat dilalui dan diselesaikan dengan baik. Woohooo~ So, bagaimana perjalanan dan pengalaman kita di Bandung? Cus~ mari diliat :3

[Fan Fiction] "It's You, Just You" Chapter 8

Cast : Kim Na Young, Lee Sungmin, Cho Kyuhyun, Park Ji Hyeon, Park Eun Sa, Choi Ji Hye, Lee Donghae, Kim Ryeowook, Kim Yesung.

[Fan Fiction] "It's You, Just You" Chapter 7

Hello everyone.. Long time no see you all. I'm so busy with my college and had to post something in my new blog. aaaaah~ so tired. But that assigment has done. Please par for my FP. hikk~ I'll continue my FF. sorry for the late story. Enjoy it :)

Cast : Kim Na Young, Lee Sungmin, Cho Kyuhyun, Park Ji Hyeon, Park Eun Sa, Choi Ji Hye, Lee Donghae, Kim Ryeowook, Kim Yesung.

[Fan Fiction] "It's You, Just You" Chapter 6

Cast : Kim Na Young, Lee Sungmin, Cho Kyuhyun, Park Ji Hyeon, Park Eun Sa, Choi Ji Hye, Lee Donghae, Kim Ryeowook, Kim Yesung.

[Fan Fiction] "It's You, Just You" Chapter 5

Cast: Kim Na Young, Lee Sungmin, Park Eun sa, Choi Ji Hye, Park Ji Hyeon, Lee Dong Hae, Kim Ryeowook, Kim Yesung, Cho Kyuhyun.

[Fan Fiction] "It's You, Just You" Chapter 4

Cast: Kim Na Young, Lee Sungmin, Park Eun sa, Choi Ji Hye, Park JiHyeon, Lee Dong Hae, Kim Ryeowook, Kim Yesung, Cho Kyuhyun.
Nb: nanti kalau lagi baca scene Sungmin nyanyi, tolong sambil dengerin lagu “Baby-Baby” yg dibawain Sungmin pas SS2 yaa :) biar kerasa gitu XD.

[Fan Fiction] "It's You, Just You" Chapter 3

Cast: Kim Na Young, Lee Sungmin, Park Eun sa, Choi Ji Hye, Park Ji Hyeon, Lee Dong Hae, Kim Ryeowook, Kim Yesung, Cho Kyuhyun.

[Fan Fiction] "It's You, Just You" Chapter 1

Cast: Kim Na Young, Lee Sungmin, Park Eun sa, Choi Ji Hye, Park Ji Hyeon, Lee Dong Hae, Kim Ryeowook, Kim Yesung, Cho Kyuhyun.

[Fan Fiction] "It's You, Just You" Chapter 2

Cast: Kim Na Young, Lee Sungmin, Park Eun sa, Choi Ji Hye, Park Ji Hyeon, Lee Dong Hae, Kim Ryeowook, Kim Yesung, Cho Kyuhyun.

[Today Song] TIME

This song is sung by Woohyun Infinite in their new album OVER THE TOP. The translation makes me feel sad. Love this song. You can listen on my playlist and read the translation below :)

[Today Song] Fly So High

This is about dreams. This is about hopes. Fly So High... Listen this song on mu playlist and read the Translation Lyric below :)

[Today Song] I'm Behind You

This song is really good. So deep.. I'm Behind You...

[My Life Diary] Say Goodbye to You

Hai-yeom… Nice to see you again.. I would like to tell you about something

Well, I had a pet. It name is Umin .It’s a rabbit. I don’t know exactly, it’s a boy or girl. It was cute, cheerfull, hyperactive, like to eat, and funny. I bought it in Selecta Market on June, 18th 2011 when I had a holiday. The seller said that it was 3 months old. It’s a dwarf rabbit, and can’t live on the yard or garden. So, it just stayed in its cage.

[My Life Diary] Farewell

Hai-yeom~ it’s me, Ochita. I have a posting about my best friends in Senior High School. They are Devita, Rahmat, Rani, and Arjun. We are in a different class. Devita and I are in XII IA 7. Rani is in XII IA 5. Arjun and Rahmat are ini XII IA 8. We have so many memories together. Sadness and happiness. We have some, problems, different opinions and same hobbies.

Love, Friendship, lesson, teacher, class, shopping, eating, walk around, looking for a gift. We did and talked about it together. When one of us was sad, we will made you smile again. When one of us has problems, we can talk it together and fix it. Celebrate birthday together. Saw Arjun playing pump-pump. Playing pumpp-pump together with Arjun and Rahmat. Devita sent a message to mas Nico by Rahmat’s cell phone.  Have a same course in SSC with Devita, Rahmat, and Rani. Not attended ssc’s class together. Aaaaaahhh I can’t mention our memories one by one. Kekekeke..

[Today Song] Short Journey

Short Journey -Super Junior-

[Today Song] Like a Movie

I really like this song.. You can hear the song on My Playlist and read these translation below.
Like a Movie -2PM-

[My Life Diary] PIRATES

Annyeonghaseo chingudeul.. Hahahaha. I have some new entries this month.

On July 5th 2011 I had MPDK or “Malam Perpisahan” with my friends in SMAN 5 2008-2011 generation. Ahhh.. it has been 3 years I became a student here and in Djitoe especially PIRATES. That is my class name.. There are many memories with them. Sadness and happiness. Altough we had some problems, but we can fix it together.

[My Life Diary] Happy Birthday!!

Saengil Chukkahamnida…
Saengil Chukkahamnida..
Saranghaneun uri Aki..
Saengil Chukkahamnida..

[Poetry] SALAH

Aku salah…

[Today Song] FICTION


[Today Song] FLY


[Today Song] Oh Rainy Days

This song is full of sadness.. I know what they feel.
Oh Rainy Days _BEAST_

[My Life Diary] Korean Day with My Friends :D

Annyeonghaseo chingudeul.. kekeke.. Today, ( Sunday, May 8th 2011) i have a great day with my friend, Devita, Sovi and Tia.. Aaaahhh.. Daebak!!! We had lunch in Myeong Ga, Korean Restaurant. That was my first time trying korean food..

[Today Song] As Soon AS

This song is dedicated to you...

[Today Song] Run Devil Run


[Poetry] You Said That...

You said that he is a badboy

[My Life Diary] After National Examinations

Annyeong Chingudeul.. long time no see. U know?? I've done my final examinations. HORRAAAAY!! DAEBAK!! I hope that, i can get the good score. Amiin..

Well, the examinations are a little difficult, but i hope, the answers which i've chosen are right.. For now, i'll enjoy my freedays. New comics, new kpop reality shows, my new fan fictions are waiting for me. So, have a nice day and keep smile always. Keep pray for our best. and for the IXth grade junior high school students, HWAITING!!!

See yaa Chingudeul!!! ^o^

[Today Song] Get The Spirits Back!!

Annyeonghaseo chingudeul.. Long time no see you all.. kekeke... Now, i'm busy with my final examinations. Aaaaah they're so difficult :(. I hope, i can get the best mark. Amin. Btw, i got my spirits back after i had read this translation lyrics. You can read this if you get down. Just like me :D. There're 3 songs. Don't Stop Can't Stop by 2PM, Lights Go On Again by BEAST, and Dreaming by Kim Soo Hyun. Enjoy it chingudeul.. See you next time :D

[Fan Fiction] "My Boy is My Kiwi" Chapter 6 COMPLETE!

Cast : Park Yeon Rin, Lee gi kwang, Lee Sungmin, Kyuhyun, Park Eun Sa, Shin Eun Yoo, Eunhyuk, Yoseob, Doojoon, Junhyung.

[Fan Fiction] "My Boy is My Kiwi" Chapter 5

Cast : Park Yeon Rin, Lee gi kwang, Lee Sungmin, Kyuhyun, Park Eun Sa, Shin Eun Yoo, Eunhyuk, Yoseob, Doojoon, Junhyung.

[Fan Fiction] "My Boy is My Kiwi" Chapter 4

Cast : Park Yeon Rin, Lee gi kwang, Lee Sungmin, Kyuhyun, Park Eun Sa, Shin Eun Yoo, Eunhyuk, Yoseob, Doojoon, Junhyung.

[Fan Fiction] "My Boy is My Kiwi" Chapter 3

Cast : Park Yeon Rin, Lee gi kwang, Lee Sungmin, Kyuhyun, Park Eun Sa, Shin Eun Yoo, Eunhyuk, Yoseob, Doojoon, Junhyung.

[Fan Fiction] "My Boy is My Kiwi" Chapter 1

Cast : Park Yeon Rin, Lee gi kwang, Lee Sungmin, Kyuhyun, Park Eun Sa, Shin Eun Yoo, Eunhyuk, Yoseob, Doojoon, Junhyung.

Kamis, 10 Mei 2012

[My Life Diary] That's What I Feel

Hello everybody.. nice to see you again.. Long time no see, right? i'm so busy right now. The invitation way resgistration will be opened on first February. I'm so nervous. I 'm still thinking about faculty that i must take for that way. I hope i can found it as soon as possible..

By the way, my friends, Depo and Tia are in SG now. They'll see SS3 there.. Aaaahh.. i hope they'll be okay and someday, i can see it too ^^. Bad news, the marchendise's cost is very expensive for me. I don't know, i can buy it or not. I'm so sad :( huhuhuhuhu.....

Beside my sadness, i have somethings that can make me be happy. I have my own room now ^^ kekekeke.. I'm so happy with it. My lost comic, one by one has been return to me. Ahahahaha.

Well, i don't care about you anymore.. I can't trust you anymore. I don't know what happened to you and her. Don't care about it. Just focus with my destination. Maybe, my feeling changed. I hope, it will be better than before. Forget it! Altough it's very hard, i've done it. Don't break what i've done. REMEMBER!! JUST FOCUS WITH MY DESTINATION!!


[Today Song] Rainy Days

Hello ^^ long time no see.. kekeke.. I'm so busy right now with my school activities. Oh Nooo!! huhuhu... My final exam will be on April 18th 2011. I must study hard from now on. HWAITING!! But, beside that activities, i have one song that i like so much right now. "RAINY DAYS" by Oneway ft Junsu 2PM. This is the translation lyric..

[My Life Diary] My 2010 Memories

Wooww!! We will leave 2010 and go to 2011. Happy New Year 2011!! I hope that 2011 is better than before, my dreams come true and this year will be the DAEBAK year! Amin ya robbal'alamin..

[My Life Diary] My New School Schedules

Hi-yeom~ Long time no see.. Now is holiday, right? Hope all of you have a nice holiday ^^ Well i've recieved my schedules for next year.. Aahhh, it will be so tired. But i must be happy to do it. Keep fighting and smile always!! Allah always be with you and help you.. Yeeaaaah!!
This's my schedules...

[My Life Diary] GET SHOCK!!

Well.. I've recieved my study report.. at first. I'm happy with the result.. But suddenly, it's getting worst.. My rank isn't good enough. I'm really dissappointed.. i'm really sad. I gotta get down. my grandmothers were  really happy with that result. My parents too.. But, after i had saw the rank list, i really couldn't say it to them.
Finally, today i tell that result to my grandmother. I don't know what her feeling is..

I'm sorry mom, dad, my grandparents.. the result isn't good enough... but, i'll do the best! i'll make you happier than this! my cousin, Ogi still wait me in FK UNAIR...

And for my friends.. DON'T GIVE UP!! We still have chance! We must do our best. Don't be sad more than this... It's like what 2PM said, "I can't never break down. It's too late for me to fall. So we don't stop! We can't stop! UNTILL WE REACH THE TOP! This chance will never come again. I don't ever want to lose it. So we don't stop! We can't stop! UNTIL WE REACH THE TOP!" _Don't Stop Can't Stop_2PM_


[My Life Diary] My Dreams

hello.. this is my first posting.. kekeke.. ^^
now i'll share to you about my feeling..
i'm so sad rightnow. i join some giveaways this month.. i really want to get it.. but until today, i get nothing..
aaaaaahh i wanna cry X(
hope i get the new giveaways that i join on it..
amin Ya Allah...

hahahaha XD